China is becoming increasingly desperate to reverse the decline in birth rates, which is now lower than that of Japan. Allowing people to have more than one child hasn’t been enough, because, as we have seen in other lands, once people get used to having fewer kids, it tends to become entrenched.

It is quite difficult to force people to have children, and the usual enticements aren’t doing much, so China has started removing birth control.

First up is vasectomies – Chinese men are finding it impossible to get one.
(Source: Washington Post)

Presumably contraception is next, perhaps via price hikes or a false flag event. Yet while it is possible to stop the availability of contraception, someone who really wants a vasectomy should be able to get the procedure done overseas.

As nations become more desperate to return to population growth, it will become more clear how fragile capitalism is, as it needs growth to survive.