In my opinion, China will one day shift from weak, ineffective attempts to increase fertility, to harsh, ineffective policies. I don’t think their way of running things is conducive to the gentle but nuanced encouragement that is required. For example: In Chongqing, one of China’s biggest cities, engaged couples will soon be eligible for a …
Author Archives: Rob Skelton
Iran – Drop in Fertility Rates
I can’t imagine that the decline is related to a growing middle class and the increased rights of women, which are the typical reasons, still: The fertility rate in Iran has been declining over the past eight years, the lowest of which was related to the past [Iranian calendar] year (March 2019-March 2020) with a …
Korea’s Ageing Foreign Workers
While globally we won’t be able to avoid population decline, individual countries will keep on making easy (immigration) and difficult (encouraging births) paths towards growth. Without economic growth, there is apparently doom. And with population growth comes a rise in GDP. Korea, like Japan, is notoriously an anti-immigration monoculture. Any actual immigrants or resident foreign …